Emergent Business Models

16 May30 May 2019
Reading time
2 minutes

Following is an analysis of my proposed intervention based on the framework based on the Pentagrowth methodology from Ideas for change.

System to which my intervention belongs to:

  • phenomenology of perception
  • ontology
  • Gaian system

Variable in the system that my intervention aims to change:

  • perception of plants and natural systems as highly intelligent and conscious beings

Features of my intervention:

  • a direct human-Planet interface for perceiving (and appreciating) the intelligent behaviour of other living organisms
  • direct informational and material exchange between humans and other living organisms
  • mycelial beacons connected to the internet in urban areas

Which elements of the system can I leverage on:

  • individual perception
  • community organization

Historical system changes

Innovation Dominant regime Challenger regime
the discovery of psychoactive plants and fungi by hunter gatherers fierce evolutionary competition with predators and other animals, small isolated tribes with limited capacity to perceive the wider eco-system, life as survival heightened sensory capabilities, accelerated development of consciousness, rise of large scale civilizations, interest in astrology and wider cosmos, mystical appreciation and respect for the power of nature, life as discovery
the image of Earth (‘The Blue Marble ’) taken on December 7, 1972 think of oneself as part of nation state, perception of life limited primarily to immediate landscape holistically seeing and perceiving Earth and everything/everyone on it as one unified whole (we are all aboard Spaceship Earth)
discovery of the Wood Wide Web (mycelium) plants seen as isolated inanimate objects unaware of the wider ecosystem with no signs of intelligence or communication capacities (evolution as competition) plants (and fungi) as active actors in a complex decentralised eco-system characterised by high levels of intelligence and cooperation (evolution as cooperation)
rise of cyberbiomes utter disregard and destruction of natural systems by the so-called ‘civilised’ urban population, consciousness contained to the brain use of biodesign and hybrid bio technologies to create a human-Planet interface for direct communication with natural systems and quantum proto consciousness

Fictional news story

New story title:

  • A report from UN confirms that cyberbiomatic communities are the main factor in reducing the effects of the climate catastrophe

The story from the perspective of the person impacted by my intervention:

  • “I have met with Simone 3 years ago when our family first moved to the neighborhood. We have clicked right away! He helped us increase our micro-farm harvests when we were just starting out and he taught us how to get rid of pests. He was also very generous to share some of his personal resources to help some of our weaker plants. The whole family regularly meets with Simone and we have long debates about history, cosmic travel, the nature of consciousness and the overall state of the world as well as how to improve it for everyone on the spaceship Earth. Simone is a dear friend and by far my favorite tree.”